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Anime Worlds We Are Happy Staying Fictional

Anime worlds offers so many beautiful places which contain stunning art, scenery and characters but not all things are joyful…

…here are the top 5…

Anime Worlds We Wouldn’t Want To Live In

5. Hellsing Ultimate

The Nazis have managed to create vampire Nazi soldiers, oh God… what has happened to this world? So like every Nazi movie, TV show or Anime the Nazis are trying to take over the world, instead in this world Nazis are vampires. What will stop them? A piercing through the heart? Sunlight perhaps? How about holy water? yh… no… none of those work, the only thing that can kill these blood drenching monsters are bullets, a lot of bullets. I don’t know about you but I definitely wouldn’t want to live in this place.

4. kabaneri of the iron fortress

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, this world is crawling with creatures called the Kabane, if they come near you, you will be ripped to pieces or become one of them. So they’re pretty much zombies accept the only way you can kill these creatures is not by destroying the brain but the heart which is covered in metal. Yh… talk about mission impossible… Only the most reinforced civilizations have survived the turmoil.

3.Code Geass

After a catastrophic world war the world’s super powers are still conflicting with each other. The leaders of the world are controlling the population through fear, injustice is everywhere. The Britannian empire are slaughtering the Japanese for being Japanese! Blood is constantly being shed in the name of justice but really there is no justice. I guess this series is trying to tell the viewer how evil the British empire really was at it’s peak. Code Geass is one of the greatest Anime we have ever laid eyes upon but it’s certainly not a world we would like to live in.

2. Attack On Titan

Giant humanoid like creatures are upon the earth and for some unknown reason they only have an appetite for human meat. In the world of Attack On Titan humans have been pushed to the brink of extinction and have fortified them selves in a giant wall. Well that is until Titans manage to break through and start to destroy what little remains of human civilization. Humans are so little in number and are constantly being rag-dolled by the Titans, in the Attack On Titan world it’s kill or be killed.

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